With the last election season barely over, we’ve kicked off a new one as State Senator Brett Lindstrom officially announced his bid for governor on Thursday, July 15 at the BuilderTrend headquarters in midtown Omaha. I had bumped into Lindstrom numerous times in the past, as recently as the Walk for Life and the Ralston Parade. Several of my mutual Republican friends, particularly the ones who lean Libertarian, have already hopped aboard his campaign.
Among the top issues of his campaign were tax cuts and education, the latter of which is becoming a hot-button issue as such things as Critical Race Theory and new liberal sex education standards are being forced into curricula. I brought along my friends the Folkens to say hello and ask a few questions of the candidate after his stump speech, and I spent much of the evening snapping photos and rubbing elbows with several members of the Lindstrom family.
One of the nicest things about Nebraska is how easy it is to get close to the folks running for office like this — something I try not to take for granted.
After the mayor endorsed Mr Lindstrom,I was ready to support his campaign but three words “racism is everywhere” to me has doomed any chance he had to get my vote. I am 85 years old and along time conservative.. racism is not everywhere, critical race therory is everywhere.. the military, federal agencies and yes public schools, Either Mr Lindstrom is not paying attention or he is supporting the WOKE culture, either way his comments in the forum over the weekend to me painted him as at least a RINO. The failure of his campaign can be attributed to those three words “racism is everywhere” Mark my words. Jim Sides