Tech Brew with Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang speaks at a "Tech Brew" event at the Kitchen Council in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Tech Brew with Andrew Yang

On Thursday, the Kitchen Council in Council Bluffs held a “Tech Brew” event with Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang, who qualified for the next Democrat debate. About 70 people (including a handful of media) turned out at the Kitchen Council to see the entrepreneur turned Presidential candidate.

I’d heard a bit about Yang via the Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro podcasts, and I’d also read a bit about his proposal for a $1,000/month Universal Basic Income, which sounded a bit far-fetched to say the least. He was a very interesting candidate, however, sounding very reasonable as described how workers displaced by automation had helped elect Trump. I didn’t have long to stick around after the Q&A, but I’m hoping he has the chance to swing by again before the caucus is over.