This is a special guest post by Omaha attorney Dave Begley, who attended the campaign rally in La Vista with Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Walz.
Native Nebraskan Tim Walz returned to his home state and appeared before a rabid and boisterous crowd of 2,000 on Saturday afternoon in Omaha. And to be fair to him, he was an effective speaker to the converted. His role is of the average Midwestern dad, former teacher, former football coach, former Guardsman and just an overall good guy.
His wife (“I love the smell of burning tires in the evening.”) was a former cheerleading coach at Alliance High School and Tim has learned well from her. Much of his speech was cheerleading for Kamala Harris. Kamala is the person who has brought joy, kindness and decency to the campaign. There was plenty of talk about joy at the rally and that’s why the Dems dumped Biden. There was frequent mentioning of the content-free slogan, “When we fight, we win.” Unless, of course, you lose.
If elected President, Kamala will help middle class families by reducing food prices and rent via price controls, home purchase assistance with free down payment money and forgiveness of medical debt. This is the first I’d heard about abolishing medical debt. But why medical debt? Why not credit card and automobile debt while the Dems are at it? Governor Walz is apparently unfamiliar with the bankruptcy code which restructures or eliminates debt. The Dems continue to brag about their ignoring a Supreme Court decision about student loan debt with supposedly $167 billion wiped out. This is all naked vote buying with tax money.
This campaign isn’t really about what Harris would do. It is really about an abiding, deep and visceral hatred of Donald Trump and keeping him out of the White House. Several times the crowd broke into a chant, “We’re not going back.” I guess these same people wouldn’t like to go back to the grocery and gasoline prices of the first Trump term.
The crowd was at least 75% female. That’s the largest percentage I have ever seen over the years in attending Democrat events. On top of that, at least half the people were unionized teachers who cheered when asked if they were teachers. For Tim Walz and his wife, both of their parents were teachers and all but two siblings are. It’s a union family. At one point Walz threw out the canard about how the GOP is banning books. The Dems are okay with pornography in grade school libraries, doncha know.
The Dems have perverted the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule I learned was, “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) According to Tim Walz it is, “Mind your own damn business.”
A huge campaign issue for the Dems is abortion. It’s a “fweedom” that Donald Trump allegedly took away. A former student from Alliance High School said that, “Minnesota was the first state that codified abortion rights after Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade.” This poor woman apparently doesn’t know that a President can’t overturn a Supreme Court decision. She also didn’t recognize that SCOTUS returned the abortion issue to the states and that Minnesota has one of the most expansive laws in the country.
This same former student said, “I can’t wait for the rest of the country to get to know this guy.” Me too. And that’s why I shouted out a question, “Why did you let the Twin Cities burn?” I know Walz heard me, but he didn’t answer. A woman in my row told me to shut up. After the rally, I told her that two people died in the riots and there was at least $500 million in property damage. But she didn’t want to hear of it. And her husband started screaming at me about acting like an adult instead of a child. The thing of it is, adults should make decisions based upon facts and reality and that means hearing inconvenient truths about public safety under Governor Walz.
The Dems had signs made up that said “Hometown Hero.” Tim did touch on his National Guard duty. It became apparent to me that the only reason he joined the Guard was for the free college tuition and a pension. When being a Guardsman got real and he was headed to a war zone, he quit.
Walz had one effective line that recalled his football coaching days and I expect he will use it again. He referenced Project 2025. “If you have a playbook, you are going to run those plays.” Walz claimed that the plays include eliminating Medicare and Social Security and making abortion illegal throughout the country. He’s a liar who uses fear and misinformation to whip the low information voters into a frenzy.
On the topic of misinformation, Walz repeated the same tired lies about how the GOP is against clean air and water. I’m confident that the US has the cleanest air and water in the world, but the Dems use this falsehood to push net zero carbon based upon the premise that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. It’s not. As John Hinderaker’s Center of the American Experiment has documented, net zero has raised electricity prices in Minnesota and the whole nation will see the same increase if the Dems keep control of the White House.
The Governor claimed that his alma mater, Chadron State College, is the Yale of the Midwest. But latter in his speech he mocked J.D. Vance as not knowing anything about the middle class because he is a Yale Law alum. I’m absolutely certain that JD will dismantle Tim in their one debate. It will be a Biden level beatdown.
At one point Tim said that JD Vance knows nothing about Nebraska and that includes not knowing what a Runza™ is. For those that don’t know, a Runza is a sandwich served by a local fast-food chain that consists of seasoned beef, onions and cabbage. JD’s big sin is he apparently thinks it is a Hot Pocket™. That was Tim’s kill shot on JD.

Outside before the rally a group of Hamas Democrats protested and waived Gaza flags. One of their signs read, “Israel is a genocidal settler colony.” I’d seen this crew before at Omaha’s St. Patrick’s Day parade and they set me off again. I started yelling at them to show their faces and asked if they were proud of October 7th. A young woman next to me in line said I should leave them alone because they were high school students. I told her that they were in a public forum expressing their political opinions and they weren’t immune from criticism because they are minors. Apparently, there is some new liberal rule that minors who engage in political speech can’t be criticized. Reasons. Right before we went into the venue, I told this little Goth girl that teenagers died during World War II so that she could exercise her First Amendment rights. Her response to me was, “Lame.”
An old woman in line claimed that Bibi was prosecuting the war to stay out of jail. I told this woman that I’m Jewish and that these Hamas Dems really offend me. I’m actually Catholic, but aren’t all decent Americans Jewish after October 7th?
The Dems love their T shirts. Two popular ones were, “I’m with Tampon Tim” and “Balz to the Walls.” There were more people with tattoos at the rally than in the Nebraska State Penitentiary. One guy was wearing pearls, but they really didn’t work with his scruffy red beard and Iowa State hat.
There were very few Blacks in attendance and only two Hispanics excluding the Dem nominee for the House, Tony Vargas. He’s another public school teacher looking to move up. He’s a state senator who voted for continued child mutilation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Vargas lost a close race to Don Bacon last time and Trump lost the Second Congressional District by 20,000 votes. If Trump and Bacon are to win the Omaha area, the Hispanic vote could be very critical. And recall that Nebraska could give either Trump or Harris the one Electoral College vote needed for victory. Omaha may, in fact, be the center of the American political universe in 2024.
Scott Adams said that right now in the United States it is two movies on one screen. That was very apparent to me on Saturday. The people at the rally have completely ignored the border invasion, crime wave and soul crushing inflation that the Biden-Harris regime have visited on our country. They are animated by Trump hatred and abortion rights.