Anna Paulina talks Minority Engagement
Anna Paulina, Turning Point's Director of Hispanic Engagement, speaks to students at UN-O's Milo Bail Student Center.

Anna Paulina talks Minority Engagement

The University of Nebraska-Omaha’s new chapter of Turning Point USA brought to campus its first speaker on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 — Anna Paulina, Turning Point USA’s Director of Hispanic Engagement. Around 50 students filled an upstairs room of the Milo Bail Student Center to hear her story of being raised by a single mother in Southern California and later joining the Air Force at age 19. Paulina also told the story of how she rented an apartment in Warrensburg, Missouri, and her landlord broke in repeatedly and terrorized her — making her feel the need to own a gun.

Brandon Tatum, also from Turning Point USA, was also scheduled to show up, but had another engagement. Filling in for him was joined by L. James Wright, deputy director for Congressman Don Bacon, to talk about how Republicans and conservatives can reach out to the Black and Hispanic communities.

Paulina and Wright had a Q&A with students afterward, most oft he questions dealing with reaching out to black and hispanics. One young man, a Marine, and mentioned how he was told in a poli-sci class that he wasn’t allowed to have an opinion about Colin Kaepernick because he’s white. Among the audience members was Dr. Jonathan C. Benjamin-Alvarado, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at UN-O. He responded to the young man’s story, saying that it was a “shame that happened” and that he appreciated TPUSA bringing a forum for “civil discourse.” He also seemed eager to have a more “vibrant” discussion with people who disagreed present.

The students in attendance were all very responsive to Paulina, staying afterward for selfies and a group photo. Chapter president Matt Anderson said that TPUSA would be bringing more speakers to come in the future, hopefully by early next year.

Anna Paulina with the UN-O chapter of Turning Point USA.